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Water Safety and Coronavirus

April 2, 2020

These days it’s hard to turn on the news and not see coronavirus, or COVID-19, being the top story. It’s easy to understand why—there’s a lot of information out there that all of us need to be paying attention to, for our own safety and for the safety of our communities. As a family company that prides itself on our local presence, we at Royal Water Works, Inc. take this seriously. There are stories from around the world that can make us wonder what comes next and what we need to do to maximize the safety of our loved ones,... View Article

Is My Water Softener Working Properly?

March 19, 2020

If you live in an area with hard water, then the challenges it presents are no stranger to you. You’re accustomed to run-of-the-mill annoyances like the sensation of your skin not feeling entirely “clean” after you’ve washed it, in addition to other minor issues along those lines. Another potential issue is mineral buildup in your appliances. This can be a big worry, and rightfully so. Water softener problems in Pisgah Forest, NC can cause our valued customers a lot of headaches, because hard water can be rough on appliances. Hard water as a result of a water softener issue can... View Article

The Microbiology of Your Drinking Water

March 4, 2020

There are countless microorganisms that surround us every single day of our lives. They’re in our bodies, in the earth around us and, yes, in the water we drink. Even after the water has been filtered and processed, there are still going to be plenty of microorganisms that make their way into the water. While the thought of this might make you uncomfortable, it’s important to note that these microorganisms are not all harmful. In fact, the vast majority are not. Consider this: in the human body, there is likely to be more than 100 trillion bacteria, which perform beneficial... View Article

The Aging American Water Infrastructure

February 19, 2020

The water infrastructure in Pisgah Forest, NC and across the United States is rapidly aging. In fact, the American Society of Civil Engineers currently gives it a “D” grade. Clearly, our municipal water systems need work. But what is there to be done? Here’s an overview of our water infrastructure as it currently exists and what you should know about the life cycle of water infrastructure materials. Earning the D There’s a long history of underground water infrastructure in the United States, and it was mainly installed during three time periods: the 1800s, between 1900 and 1945 and after 1945.... View Article

Buying a Home? Here’s Why You Need a Well Inspection

February 1, 2020

If you’ve been looking for a new home, you might have run into a few residences that aren’t connected to a municipal water supply—instead, they rely on wells to provide enough water for the home’s appliance, bathing, cooking and drinking needs. About 15 percent of Americans rely on a private water system—but if you’re new to owning a well, you might not know that well water needs to be tested regularly to ensure its safety. Even if your well water looks, smells and tastes normal, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything—the pathogens that cause serious waterborne illnesses won’t noticeably alter your... View Article

Royal Water Works, Inc.