Is Hard Water Bad for Your Health?

Is Hard Water Bad for Your Health?

June 14, 2021

Worried about hard water at your home? If you don’t have a water softener system installed, chances are good that you’re getting hard water every time you turn on the taps. While it’s true that hard water contains minerals that soft water does not, it’s not necessarily a bad thing for your health. Drinking hard water or using it for bathing or doing the dishes is generally safe. In some cases, it can even provide some health benefits.

Here’s a closer look at what you need to know about hard water and the health impacts of installing a water softener system versus a water conditioning system.

Calcium and magnesium

The presence of the minerals calcium and magnesium in hard water differentiate it from soft water. When you invest in a water softener system, you remove these minerals from your water supply. Soft water is easier on appliances and fixtures throughout your home, since buildup of the minerals can occur in sinks, toilets, bathtubs, dishwashers and more.

While some people believe that calcium and magnesium cause hard water to be a health concern, the body actually needs both minerals to thrive, as they benefit both bones and teeth.

Calcium and magnesium provide a surprising benefit, too—they help improve your cholesterol levels. In some cases, calcium can even improve your blood pressure. Recent studies have shown that drinking hard water can provide benefits for those who are prone to cardiovascular disease. While concrete results haven’t been confirmed, it’s a promising sign for those who suffer from heart disease.

If your doctor has suggested boosting your levels of calcium or magnesium, drinking hard water can be beneficial. In these cases, you should investigate water conditioning systems. They work to replace the ions in calcium and magnesium instead of completely eliminating them. The end result is water that still contains the beneficial minerals, but they behave in a way that won’t cause problems with your pipes and home appliances.


If you’re concerned about the amount of sodium in your water, it’s smart to invest in a water conditioning system instead of a water softener system. Water softeners use salt, which can enter the water supply at your home. Water conditioning systems, in contrast, use no harsh chemicals or salt to condition the water. Not only does this protect your home’s pipes, plumbing and appliances, but it also keeps you and your family from ingesting unnecessary amounts of sodium that may be in the water.

Water conditioning systems also remove contaminants, including bacteria and algae, from the water—something a water softener can’t do on its own. Do your research, and invest in the system you feel would benefit you and your family the most.

Since hard water is perfectly safe for drinking and bathing, your choice between installing a water softener system or a water conditioning system should largely be based on your personal preferences. Contact Royal Water Works, Inc. to learn more about the effects of hard water in your daily life at home.

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