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If I Drink Soft Water, What Will Happen?

August 21, 2019

Most homes and many businesses host a water softener. These devices use ionized salts to strip minerals out of water sources. Water softeners are essential when it comes to taking a bath, washing clothes and doing the dishes. When it comes to drinking water, however, it becomes a little less clear whether or not softer water is more desirable. Because the water softening process involves lots of salt, many people believe that softer water contains unsafe levels of sodium. While this isn’t necessarily true, it is worth considering the fact that softer water generally contains some residual salt. Additionally, soft... View Article

What Are the Steps in Wastewater Treatment in Pisgah Forest, NC?

August 7, 2019

Ever wonder how the water that goes down the drains in your home gets treated in order to be recycled and reused once again? Here’s a quick overview of wastewater treatment in Pisgah Forest, NC to give you some insight into this remarkable process: Screening and pumping: The first phase of the process is screening and pumping, during which the wastewater moves through a series of screening equipment to filter out larger objects like plastics, rags, wood, grease and any other larger items that worked their way into the wastewater. That material gets disposed of in landfills, and the wastewater... View Article

What Do Water Filters Remove?

July 24, 2019

Access to clean water is absolutely crucial for all life. If you can’t trust the tap water or well water at your home, then it’s imperative that you invest in water filtration installation in Pisgah Forest, NC so you don’t have to worry about falling ill as a result of dirty water. How exactly do these water filters work, though, and do you need one for your home? Here’s some information to educate you further about water filtration and its benefits. How filtration works It’s fairly easy for water to pick up certain debris and contaminants during its cycle, even... View Article

What Is Reverse Osmosis and How Does It Work?

July 5, 2019

Many people have reasons for investing in water testing in Pisgah Forest, NC and a filtration system for their drinking water. Reverse osmosis is an increasingly popular choice. While a reverse osmosis system is similar to any other filtration system in that it removes contaminants, the method it uses to do so is slightly different and offers many benefits of its own. Read on to learn more. The reverse osmosis process A reverse osmosis system works by removing contaminants from the water by pushing water under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane. When water is pushed through the membrane, it allows... View Article

How Do I Know I Have Hard Water?

June 21, 2019

You may have heard people talk about “hard water” and trying to “soften” their water, but you might not be clear on what these terms mean. Moreover, how do you know if your water is hard? If you find that you have hard water, you may be in need of water filtration repairs in Pisgah Forest, NC. Read on to learn more about how to tell if you have hard water, and what to do about it if you do. Testing for hard water Water comes in varying ranges of hardness and softness, and people who live in different neighborhoods... View Article

Royal Water Works, Inc.