If you live in a city or town, chances are that you have city water provided via a public system. If you live in a rural area, you’re more likely to be familiar with private drinking water wells. About 15 percent of the population uses well water. Well water has benefits such as no utility costs and plenty of supply. That said, there are downsides, including potentially harmful chemicals contained in water. Let’s take a look at why well water needs to be filtered. Well water safety If you use a well water filtration system, then the water will be... View Article
An aboveground pool is an affordable alternative to in-ground options, but they still require a significant amount of care and maintenance. One of the most important aspects of pool upkeep is regular pool water treatment to keep bacterial and fungal growth at bay. Here are some of the most important pool treatment tips to keep your water healthy and clean now and into the future. Keep your pump running at least eight hours a day If your pool is equipped with a pump and filtration system, keep it running at least eight hours a day to remove dust and other... View Article
If you get water from a municipal source, it’s consistently tested at the source. However, as water moves through aging infrastructure, it can pick up contaminants as it travels to your home. You should be testing water for quality regularly, as harmful bacteria and minerals could be hazardous to your family’s health. How should you test, and what should you look for? Here are some of the water testing basics you need to know. When to test your water You really should be testing your water as often as possible since you never know when your water quality could change.... View Article
If you rely on well water to supply your home or business, you know that there can be complications from time to time. A lot of these problems simply don’t affect people who count on municipal systems for their water supply, but part of the appeal of having well water in the first place is the control over its quality and how you choose to treat it. That said, there are some instances where your well water could be contaminated, sometimes to an extent where it can pose a health risk to you and your family. As a result, it’s... View Article
One of the most disconcerting things that can happen in your home is your tap water tasting a little funny. One relatively common thing people experience is turning on the faucet and finding that the water tastes salty. There can be a number of reasons why you might experience this most unwelcome surprise, and they’re usually related to what’s going on in your water supply. Read on for some more insight into why your water might be suddenly leaving a salty taste in your mouth. What chemicals make water salty? As we noted above, usually water tastes salty due to... View Article