Getting the best water possible for your home and family is an important part of your health and wellbeing. Today, there are many concerns about public water supplies being clean enough for drinking. If you have existing health problems, then finding the purest drinking water could be a high priority. If you do not feel that your public-sourced water is up to par for your drinking needs, there are options for you and your family. Purchasing bottled water can get expensive, not to mention the waste that bottled water causes to the environment. Luckily, purchasing bottled water is not the... View Article
Water pollution occurs when harmful chemicals or microorganisms contaminate streams, lakes, rivers, and other water bodies. These chemicals and substances degrade water quality and make it toxic to humans and the environment. In addition, water pollution can include energy release in heat or radioactive substances into water bodies. Most of the world’s wastewater is released chiefly back to the environment. This results in polluted lakes, rivers, and oceans. According to research, contaminated waters killed about 1.2 million people in 2017 alone. Considering the seriousness of this matter, we’re providing important water pollution information, including how it happens and how to implement existing measures such as water testing, filtration,... View Article
If you’re buying water pumps for the first time, you might not know that different types of water pumps are available. You have the freedom to choose what fits your tastes and preferences based on quality, price and installation. So, what types of water pumps are there? Centrifugal Pumps These are the most widely used pumps in the world. They are commonly used in irrigation, water supply, drainage systems and industrial processes. Centrifugal pumps use kinetic energy to move water through a system. A motor is connected to a rotor that spins at high speeds, transferring that energy into the water that’s flowing... View Article
Do I have hard water in my home? If you have detected some changes in the water you’ve been using for several years, there’s a chance that you have hard water. Essentially, hard water is not harmful. However, you don’t have to continue drinking unpleasant water with additional chemicals and impurities. But how do I know if I have hard water? 1. Your Skin Feels Dry After Washing One of the common symptoms of hard water is that your skin feels dry and itchy after a shower. Soap doesn’t lather as well, and you might notice that your hair isn’t... View Article
What do water filters remove? This is a standard question from any individual who has a water filter. Unfortunately, individuals don’t tend to understand the role of water filters, which explains why most of them have been ignoring water filters in their wells and other water systems. However, you should pay attention to a water filter because it is necessary. But what is my water filter removing? 1. Chlorine Chlorine is a gas used in water to kill germs and other harmful bacteria. It’s also used in pools to keep the water clean. Unfortunately, chlorine can be detrimental to your health... View Article