Staying Hydrated in Warm Weather
Summertime is one of the best parts of the year for people of all ages. The kids are out of school and can spend more time with their parents, and the weather is suitable for lots of outdoor fun. However, one thing you should always keep in mind as temperatures climb is proper hydration for the whole family. Hot weather can mean that your body quickly loses water, which you can feel great about replenishing when you invest in a safe and healthy drinking water system in Pisgah Forest, NC.
Dehydration can bring about serious repercussions, and it can sometimes sneak up on a person. It’s important to stay ahead of this by learning about how to properly hydrate and how to watch for signs of dehydration.
How much water should you drink?
The old rule of thumb is that everyone should drink eight glasses of water per day, but we know now that this “rule” is less reliable than once thought. Everyone requires different amounts to stay properly hydrated, and it’s important to trust your body rather than any set rule. Simply put, this means that if you’re thirsty, you should drink more water! There’s no reason to stick with some sort of dictated “schedule” when it comes to hydration.
You can also tell how hydrated you are by the color of your urine—it should be clear or straw-colored. Anything darker than that and you probably want to visit your drinking water system in Pisgah Forest, NC to fill up your bottle and start sipping.
What does dehydration do to a person?
Dehydration occurs when your body can’t get the water it needs to keep going every day. You can feel it affect you in a number of unpleasant ways, and it’s usually (but not always) brought on by periods of vigorous activity in warm weather. You might start to feel faint or dizzy at first, and this might soon turn into quicker breathing or an elevated heart rate.
If you feel these symptoms coming on, you should immediately take a break from your activity and start slowly drinking water in a cool or shaded area to start recovering. Your body can bounce back from dehydration quite rapidly, but you need to do your part to help it along.
How can you stay hydrated?
One tip we always recommend is to have our techs install a drinking water system in your home or office in Pisgah Forest, NC. This means you’ll have convenient all-day access to crisp, cool water. You should also always keep a water bottle close at hand, which is easy whether you’re outside or at a desk. It can be helpful to buy one that has volume measurements printed right on the side to help you track how much you’re consuming as the day goes on—this trick can also add a little motivation!
Finally, if you find that the taste of water just gets old after a while, there are plenty of powders and droplets out there that can add fruit flavors with few or no calories. This is a great way to keep your water supply appealing, especially for kids, and can help to ensure proper hydration.
To learn more about how a drinking water system can help you stay hydrated, reach out to the team at Royal Water Works, Inc. today!
Categorised in: Drinking Water