Common Myths and Misconceptions About Swimming Pool Water
If you own or operate a swimming pool, you know just how important it is to keep the pool well-stocked with the appropriate levels of chemicals to ensure the water remains clean and safe for use. However, despite manufacturers providing plenty of information regarding how to properly treat pools, there are still plenty of misconceptions out there about pool chemicals and pool water in Pisgah Forest, NC that we wish to address.
Here’s a quick selection of some of these misconceptions that we will clarify.
MYTH: Pool chlorine is not safe.
This simply isn’t true—pool chlorine is completely safe, so long as it is used in the appropriate environment and levels. This is why it’s important to measure the quantities used in a pool, and why owners must keep the level of organic compounds in the water at safe levels. Chlorine has been used in drinking water since the early 1900s in small levels—it’s certainly safe for a swimming pool.
MYTH: If the pool is clear, that means the water is completely clean.
Cleanliness in a pool is not just about clarity. Even if the pool appears to be clear and clean, there might still be microorganisms living in the water that you can’t see. This is why it’s important to follow all instructions about pool cleaning and chemical use to the letter.
MYTH: There’s no need to shower before swimming.
Swimming pool water is not a substitute for a shower, and it’s highly advisable you shower before swimming. Body oil, sweat, cosmetics and urine all contain organic compounds that could throw off the balance of the water. It’s always important to minimize the level of organic compounds found in pool water, so it’s a good idea to shower before you get into the pool (as well as after getting out of the pool, to get the chlorine off you).
MYTH: Pool chlorine causes eye irritation.
Contrary to popular belief, pool chlorine is not the cause of redness or irritation in your eyes. In fact, people who experience redness or irritation do so because the pool has excessive pH levels or chloramines, which are both signs that there is not enough chlorine in the pool. If you have been experiencing this phenomenon after pool use, it’s time to adjust your chlorine levels.
MYTH: You can get pool chemicals that reveal urine in the water.
This is a common scare tactic used by schools and public pools to discourage people from urinating in the water. However, there is no such chemical that exists (unfortunately). This doesn’t mean you should urinate in the water—again, this would increase the level of organic compounds in the water, which is bad for the pool.
MYTH: Strong chemical smells mean the pool is healthy.
The pool chlorine does not have a strong odor. If you notice a strong odor, this means there are high levels of contaminants in the pool, and a high level of chloramines. This means the pool should be tested as soon as possible.
For more information about commercial pool testing in Pisgah Forest, NC, contact Royal Water Works, Inc. today.
Categorised in: Water Testing