If I Drink Soft Water, What Will Happen?
Most homes and many businesses host a water softener. These devices use ionized salts to strip minerals out of water sources. Water softeners are essential when it comes to taking a bath, washing clothes and doing the dishes. When it comes to drinking water, however, it becomes a little less clear whether or not softer water is more desirable.
Because the water softening process involves lots of salt, many people believe that softer water contains unsafe levels of sodium. While this isn’t necessarily true, it is worth considering the fact that softer water generally contains some residual salt. Additionally, soft water has essential, vital minerals like calcium and magnesium stripped out of it. Many people need to get these minerals from their water. Soft water isn’t harmful to drink, but if you’re using it as your main source of drinking water, you may eventually experience some side effects.
If you’re concerned about drinking soft water, you should consider installing a water softener with a drinking water bypass tap. Additionally, you might want to invest in water testing in Pisgah Forest, NC to evaluate the quality of your softened water.
Here are just a few things to know about the potential impacts of drinking soft water:
- Higher sodium intake: If you’ve been recommended a low-sodium diet by your doctor, you should stay away from drinking softened water. While softened water contains sodium levels that are perfectly safe for most people, those with sodium sensitivities should avoid it.
- Less mineral intake: Humans get many of the essential minerals necessary to live happy, healthy lives through the water that they drink. If you’re sucking all of the minerals out of your water source with a water softener, you won’t be receiving the minerals necessary for good health. Consider buying bottled mineral water or installing a bypass.
- Less flavor: Some people prefer the taste of soft water to hard water—soft water has a more neutral flavor because of its lack of mineral content. If you’re concerned about the way that hard water impacts your cooking and coffee, consider investing in a tap filter that leaves some mineral content.
- Unsafe for babies: Avoid mixing softened water in with baby food or formula. Babies may be sensitive to the high sodium levels, and need the minerals present in unsoftened water. Use either bottled or pure, filtered tap water when mixing baby formula or food.
To learn more about the state of your home’s water supply, consult with an expert to schedule water testing in Pisgah Forest, NC. Royal Water Works, Inc. is a trusted local water expert. We can provide you with water tests and a range of other essential services.
We’re proud to work with our clients and support their unique water needs. If you’re concerned about the quality of water coming out of your taps, or if you’d like to learn more about the possibility of installing a tap water bypass in your water softening system, reach out to one of our friendly representatives today.
Categorised in: Water Testing